Three Hyperfictions

A series of interactive HTML-based stories which I made back when HTML was still pretty much it as far as the internet was concerned. Pleasingly, more than a decade on, they still work just fine.

All You Can Eat

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All You Can Eat is a very short HTML story about the generally disgusting process of eating, and how that might make us feel. Intended to be digested piece by piece, along with some water or a glass of reasonable-quality supermarket wine. May cause indigestion.

Listen, Sally

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Listen, Sally takes the form of a choose-your-own-apology adventure. It takes about three minutes to play to completion, and there are four different endings (none of which are particularly good).


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Atrophy is a hyperfiction piece made from an essay about my teenage infatuation with abandoned buildings. The place described in the text is a derelict (now demolished) holiday park that once stood on the coast on the Isle of Wight. Choose whether you’ll create or destroy, and then click the text to edit it. It’s a bit like magnetic fridge poetry, in some respects.